Wednesday 29 July 2015

2.3.5 Structure of a Requirements Document 

Requirements have to be specified using some specification language. Though formal notations exist for specifying specific properties of the system, natural languages are now most often used for specifying requirements. When formal languages are employed, they are often used to specify particular properties or for specific parts of the system, as part of the overall SRS. All the requirements for a system, stated using a formal notation or natural language, have to be included in a document that is clear and concise. For this, it is necessary to properly organize the requirements document. Here we discuss the organization based on the IEEE guide to software requirements specifications [53]. The IEEE standards recognize the fact that different projects may require their requirements to be organized differently, that is, there is no one method that is suitable for all projects. It provides different ways of structuring the SRS. The first two sections of the SRS are the same in all of them. The general structure of an SRS is given in Figure

                      1. Introduction
                               1.1 Purpose
                               1.2 Scope
                               1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations
                               1.4 References
                               1.5 Overview
                     2. Overall Description
                               2.1 Product Perspective
                               2.2 Product Functions
                               2.3 User Characteristics
                               2.4 General Constraints
                               2.5 Assumptions and Dependencies
                    3. Specific Requirements

                  Figure 3.2: General structure of an SRS. 3.3 Requirements Specification 47 The introduction section contains the purpose, scope, overview, etc., of the requirements document. The key aspect here is to clarify the motivation and business objectives that are driving this project, and the scope of the project. The next section gives an overall perspective of the system—how it fits into the larger system, and an overview of all the requirements of this system. Detailed requirements are not mentioned. Product perspective is essentially the relationship of the product to other products; defining if the product is independent or is a part of a larger product, and what the principal interfaces of the product are. A general abstract description of the functions to be performed by the product is given. Schematic diagrams showing a general view of different functions and their relationships with each other can often be useful. Similarly, typical characteristics of the eventual end user and general constraints are also specified. If agile methods are being used, this may be sufficient for the initial requirements phase, as these approaches prefer to do the detailed requirements when the requirement is to be implemented. The detailed requirements section describes the details of the requirements that a developer needs to know for designing and developing the system. This is typically the largest and most important part of the document. For this section, different organizations have been suggested in the standard. These requirements can be organized by the modes of operation, user class, object, feature, stimulus, or functional hierarchy [53]. One method to organize the specific requirements is to first specify the external interfaces, followed by functional requirements, performance requirements, design constraints, and system attributes. This structure is shown in Figure 3.3 [53]. The external interface requirements section specifies all the interfaces of the software: to people, other software, hardware, and other systems. User interfaces are clearly a very important component; they specify each human interface the system plans to have, including screen formats, contents of menus, and command structure. In hardware interfaces, the logical characteristics of each interface between the software and hardware on which the software can run are specified. Essentially, any assumptions the software is making about the hardware are listed here. In software interfaces, all other software that is needed for this software to run is specified, along with the interfaces. Communication interfaces need to be specified if the software communicates with other entities in other machines. In the functional requirements section, the functional capabilities of the system are described. In this organization, the functional capabilities for all the modes of operation of the software are given. For each functional requirement, the required inputs, desired outputs, and processing requirements will have to be specified. For the inputs, the source of the inputs, the units of measure, valid 48 3. Software Requirements Analysis and Specification
 3. Detailed Requirements
            3.1 External Interface Requirements
                       3.1.1 User Interfaces
                       3.1.2 Hardware Interfaces
                       3.1.3 Software Interfaces
                       3.1.4 Communication Interfaces
            3.2. Functional Requirements
                       3.2.1 Mode 1
                      Functional Requirement 1.1
                               3.2.1.n Functional Requirement 1.n

                       3.2.m Mode m
                                 3.2.m.1 Functional Requirement m.1
                                 3.2.m.n Functional Requirement m.n
           3.3 Performance Requirements
           3.4 Design Constraints
           3.5 Attributes
           3.6 Other Requirements

                                                              Figure B

  One organization for specific requirements. ranges, accuracies, etc., have to be specified. For specifying the processing, all operations that need to be performed on the input data and any intermediate data produced should be specified. This includes validity checks on inputs, sequence of operations, responses to abnormal situations, and methods that must be used in processing to transform the inputs into corresponding outputs. The performance section should specify both static and dynamic performance requirements. All factors that constrain the system design are described in the performance constraints section. The attributes section specifies some of the overall attributes that the system should have. Any requirement not covered under these is listed under other requirements. Design constraints specify all the constraints imposed on design (e.g., security, fault tolerance, and standards compliance). When use cases are employed, then the functional requirements section of the SRS is replaced by use case descriptions. And the product perspective part of the SRS may provide an overview or summary of the use cases.

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